

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day in the Life: Ted Bundy, Pink Eyebrows, and Rain

Have you ever just laid down in bed and read the entire biography of Ted Bundy on Wikipedia?

I have. Then I started to move onto Jeffery Domer, and I made myself stop.

So, as you can see, my day started out at 3 AM pretty interestingly. That may be part of the reason I was still half asleep when I got ready at 7:23, just in time for my 7:30 class. And let me tell you, half asleepness and a burst of creativity do not go well together for Alissa. Because then I end up with pink eyebrows. I think my logic was somewhere around the lines of, "I have to draw my eyebrows on everyday anyways...why draw them on the color of my hair...? Why not another!?". So pink it was.

Today was the most beautiful day, with a perfect mix of sun and rain. It was positively lovely (In fact, I am listening to an orchestra of rain as I write this). And then everything was ruined by the most depressing movie I have ever been forced to watch: Sarah's Key. If you don't like to be disturbed, cry, or be scarred for life DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE. It's a french movie, so I guess I shouldn't have expected it to end well. It covers World War II in Paris, and man, it was probably the most awful thing I've ever seen. I mean, don't get me wrong, the movie was amazingly done mom started bawling on the phone from me just telling her about it. I still haven't recovered. I am seriously debating just ruining the whole movie plot for you right now so that you'll have no incentive to watch it....yes. That's a good idea. Sarah locks her baby brother in a closet to save him from the Nazis. Her and her parents get taken away to a camp. Her parents are never seen again, but Sarah escapes because she knows she needs to let her brother out of the hidden closet, because she still has the only key. She makes it back to Paris, rushes into the apartment that has already been moved into by someone else, opens the closet'd expect that there was a bouncing, happy little boy, or that he escaped and was happily living off of dumplings. Ohhh no. He was dead. In the closet. Then the girl committed suicide. WHAT KIND OF MOVIE IS THIS???

The only thing that makes a sad movie even worse, is being in a room full of cold hearted people. No one else in the room was crying. Okay, fine - just because you don't cry doesn't necessarily mean you're cold hearted. But still. I was crying, looking around like, "Someone else just shed a tear, or look disturbed, or have some emotion on your face whatsoever! There's a girl with pink eyebrows bawling her eyes out over here people!". Help a girl out. Either get some colorful eyebrows, or cry.

Another random development for the day....Note to self: never change clothes with your back to the door with ear phones in. Wow.

I can't even tell you guys how important I believe it is to always stay positive and upbeat. The difference is something that no person can adequately describe. When you just walk down the sidewalk and cannot help thanking God for the beautiful day and all that you have, you never want to go to back to feeling like all is lost. Of course that is impossible, everyone has bad days...but if we can allow positive energy to flow through us, rather than the negative, everything changes. Because negative energy can affect so much more than we think - it changes how we see things, how we feel, how we act. Things that normally would be fine are suddenly the worst things that could ever happen. That's no way to live. We don't have much time here on Earth - so who cares what anyone else thinks? Risk it all. Live. Be weird and insane and crazy and eccentric. If you want to do something, then do it. If you want to be happy, then be.

Virtual Hugs from me to you.


  1. Do not watch "The Joy Luck Club" or "Sophie's Choice"...and I love the pink eye brows.
