

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I am a redhead with a fiery personality...

Home for the holidays!!! Hallelujah.

But before I begin ranting and blabbing about the many strange happenings in mah crazy beautiful... Sometimes dull, frustrating and laughable... life, allow me to introduce myself. I am 18 years old, going on 19 in January. I am a redhead with a fiery personality. I am currently studying business marketing and statistics, and plan on going into the beauty industry one day, because, let me tell ya, I'm one of those divas - can't get enough of the make-up. I believe that the human face is like a perfect, blank canvas. Cosmetology is an art. Not only that, it can be used to make women feel beautiful and confident, and I know it definetely brings me a lot of joy. Everyone has their one weird talent, and for me...I live for another makeover, or the opportunity to make someone feel beautiful and enhance their natural elegance. I am proud to call three sisters and one brother my own - Shealeen, my older sister and kindred spirited best friend, Sarina, the barking middle child trouble maker, Adalyn, the sassy little diva, and David, the poor, bossed around little punk of the family. I am thrilled to announce we have 2 cats - Shadow and Sushi. Can I just add...I love cats. Yes. I openly admit to it.

 I enjoy fashion, have an obsession with Ireland, and am a competitive Irish dancer. I have a vintage greeting card collection, love to create things and read my scriptures, spend weekends with Grandma, and enjoy writing and receiving letters. Pen pals, baby. Pen pals is where it's at. I make up my own words. I tend to be OCD. I have dance my room...alone...daily. I obsess over eyebrows, squishy babies, and buttered wheat toast. Tea is my therapy. Sunflowers, antique shops and seeing my sister bring me unspeakable joy. Swinging in the park, singing in the dark, and causing an uproar.
I believe in down to earthness. We're all on this earth together, all have our different challenges, and can come together to help one another make it through. Enjoy each part of life. Why spend a moment unhappy? Find a reason to love today. I'm sure you will discover more about me as I write, and reach out. There are so many great things I am looking forward to in my future, and am just excited to live. We're all in this together.

Virtual hugs from me to you.

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